
Pressure: Var är du nu (Official Video Release - September 10th)

“Var är du nu”

Var är du nu är en låt som handlar om det som nog är svårast att hantera. Förluster och saknaden av någon som står en riktigt nära, en vän, en kärlek, ett barn, en förälder eller någon som står dig riktigt nära. Förr eller senare måste vi alla hantera en svår förlust. Var är du nu handlar om känslan av att precis ha förlorat någon, och inte veta vad man ska göra eller om man ens orkar leva utan personen i fråga. Kanske var det just den man förlorat som skulle ge råd i den situationen? Var är du nu ger dig också hopp att våga sörja och känna för att kunna ta det första steget och gå vidare i livet!

“Where Are You Now “

Where are you now is a song which tackles one of the hardest Pressures that all of us have to face sooner or later. And that Pressure is loss. Losing a good friend, a mentor, a lover or a very close one is something you never can be prepared for and you never know when this will happen. But one day you are standing there - all by yourself and you have lost the one person you were going to ask for advice about how to handle this exact situation. Where are you now tells the story of the despair and the need to talk to people around us before its to late and when its to late.  The song tells you that you must allow yourself to grieve and feel because that's the first step in healing and moving forward

Written and composed by Simon Forsell, Olof Jönsson, Emil Salling
Directed and Produced by: Dan Johansson and Oscar Nilsson

The Band

Who are Pressure I hear you ask? Well, if you had to tag them with a genre the one that fits best is a ‘melodic rock’ but they are so much more than that. Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden and with vocalist Olof Jönsson you can always guarantee soaring, athletic and committed vocals.  Together with a twin guitar sound coming from songwriter and lead guitarist Simon “Siirpo” Forsell and Emil Salling. Their work often focuses and embraces the pressures felt from everyday existence. Their lyrics ably demonstrating that there are two sides to every story - the good and the bad. Every song has a double meaning and they truly see music as a tool to handle the different pressures thrown at us from the modern world.

The band began their journey together in 2018, and since then they’ve worked tirelessly developing their sound and live performance, their aim? To make memories with their fans and to an epic musical soundtrack.

A quote that can summarize their lyrics is: “How can you tell a story about life if you haven’t dared to

live life to its fullest!

Pressure is all about every story, every moment, every Pressure

Pressure is very Happy that Mr. Emil Salling chose to return! Simon Forsell says “Emil is not only a great guitar player but can master any style. He is also a close friend and someone that I personally look up to! A real friend who always stand by your side! I am very proud and honored to play alongside him again! ”

Band Members:
Guitars, drums, backing vocals – Simon Forsell
Lead vocals – Olof Jönsson
Guitar – Emil Salling
Bass – Ignacio Arrúa