
Chaos Eternal interview: "The concept follows a man through a life riddled with depression, anxiety but also love."

Hello Johan! Welcome to Metal Prison!
Thank you! Lets start a riot!

Please give us a short biography of yours. When did you start listening and playing music and when did metal enter your life?
My first time that stuck was listening to Swedish punk. When I was eight or nine I started to sing along with my favorite music. Metal started to become my thing nearing my teens as I started learning guitar and was shown/found lots of different heavier stuff to listen to. 

Speaking of metal, what are your main influences in this kind of music?

The main influence is Devin Townsend. Part musically and part philosophically. 
Now, let’s speak for Chaos Eternal. Why do you prefer a sole project than a full band? What are the main advantages and disadvantages? 
Well the main thing is that I always get my way! I like to be in full and total control of the situation. One downside is that you miss out on the rehearsal process and writing process you get when being a  real band so to say.

Back in 2014 you released 4 eps and then silence for almost 6 years, when you came back to discography. What happened in between?

My mental health was in a bad state and I pursued another band at one point recording an album. Then I got the focus back to Chaos Eternal. 

Let’s move to the main reason for this interview, the four parts of “The Journey”. How did this idea came to you? I guess this is a concept so please tell us some things for it. 

It started as an EP that became an album. Then came the idea of the counter part with PT. 2. When those were recorded I already had changed it to be four albums.

The concept follows a man through a life riddled with depression, anxiety but also love. Each album has its own feel and lyrical theme that steered the musical themes for that album.

In terms of sound, are you responsible for every stage of production and mixing? Has anyone else played any role in the final result of “The Journey Pt. 1: Through the Maze” and “The Journey Pt. 2: Higher and Higher”? 

I have done everything from writing, recording to mastering.

The two albums have a clear difference in the music style. Part I is quite thrashy, while part II is more, let me say, alternative oriented? Has the lyrical theme of each release played any part to the music direction?  

The lyrical themes steered the music for each album. Different emotions on different records. 

I think none of your releases has a physical release but you insist in digital format. Is this a decision of yours? You don’t think that physical products have any place in recent music industry?

If I had the position to release physically I would have done so. But selffinancing is out of question. So digital is what I can afford right now.

When is this tetralogy gonna end? Any more plans for the future?
The quadrilogy will conclude with Pt. 4: The path to enlightenment. I have no plans as of this moment that has to do with The Journey concept.

I think we’ve come to an end. Please close this interview the way you want! 

Thank you for the opportunity! If anyone is interested check out chaoseternalswe.bandcamp.com/ and also www.youtube.com/@Chaoseternal