
VALIANT SENTINEL: Valiant Sentinel (29 April 2022, No Remorse Records)

Everything, from the name to the very last and smallest detail of the artwork, everything screams “this is a power metal album”. Armoured up and battle ready, the Valiant Sentinel emerge in the metal scene, releasing their self-titled debut album.

Hailing from Greece, which lately has been on a streak of good power/heavy releases, the Valiant Sentinel present an effective album, that reignites the flame of traditional sound and makes it sound exciting again.

The Valiant Sentinel charge forth with might and power and with a sound influenced by the classic European power metal sound of bright fast paced songs, melodic lines and engaging choruses. Vibrant and filled with epic passages and riffs, the “Valiant Sentinel” has all the traces that a good power metal album needs to have in order to shine through in the scene. 

Opening with the track “Victorious”, the album draws your attention from the very first seconds, thanks to its melodic vocal lines, the melodic yet absolutely shredding solo and the Hammerfall influences that seem to be going on. Beginning with an exciting yet vaguely familiar sound, the Valiant Sentinel introduce the listener in their sound, while setting the pace for the whole release. In the second song, “Destiny Awaits” the band shifts more towards the heavy metal sound keeping only the epic trace from the power metal, before it shifts back to its power metal roots by the third track ,and keep on the same path until the end.

In the album appear as guest vocalists the great Fabio Lione and Tim “Ripper” Owens, gifting their unique vocal qualities to two of the songs, making the album even more epic and exciting.

With nothing more to add and since the “Valiant Sentinel” is a quite straightforward release, I will only say that you must, absolutely, listen to this great power metal debut by the upcoming Valiant Sentinel. Let’s hope that this will not be the last and that we will be lucky to see many more releases by this promising, new band.