
SPEKTRVM State Their Purpose On ‘Blood For Heaven’

The upcoming album from Greek heavy metal group Spektrvm is entitled Blood For Heaven and consists of 9 tracks and 2 wide spectrums.

The first and most obvious, is the musical one. This album is a heavy metal based one, but includes a lot of different musical influence points. Progressive, folk, nu, thrash, doom are just some of those musical styles and genres.

The other point of focus is the lyrical one. Blood For Heaven is made up of songs that speak to different social and political failings in our society, with roots that trace back to acts of greed, pride and vanity and feelings of anger, sadness and depression. So you have to watch out for the details in both the musical composition, but also the meaning behind the lyrics.

01. Gift Of Oizys | 02. Blood For Heaven | 03. War Of Chameleon | 04. Leviathan | 05. Trying To Breathe | 06. Rain Fire | 07. Without Borders | 08. Green God | 09. Rotten World

Executive grunt work:
Pre-productions at Phobetor Home Studios
Drums pre-productions at PROVA Music Studios
Recording and mixing at CFN Recording Studios
Mastering at Vu Productions Mastering Studios
Artwork and cd layout at Remedy Art Design
Lyrics and music written and performed by Spektrvm

Blood For Heaven | Released July 8th, 2022 on Sliptrick Records

Spektrvm are:
Thanos Zabetakis – Vocals | George Zikas – Guitar | Nicholas Dhamo – Guitar | Michael Pouliezos – Bass | Lyo Panagiotopoulos – Drums