Stretching their music and performing skills, Gentihaa are preparing their new album, with the promise of an absolutely massive and overwhelming outcome, which, according to the band’s lead guitarist, Valgran (George Giannopoulos), is leaving Entropy far behind. The album concept, which is once more in Andre Boutos’ hands, as well as the number of songs, is a guarded secret. The album is currently being recorded to Bob Katsionis’ brand-new studio, Sound Symmetry Studio.
While recording their new album, Gentihaa giving us a warning strike, by releasing a new video from Revenge Entropy, “Beyond”. Loud, impressive and unforeseen, with sounds that pass through anything static and usual, ‘’Beyond’’ comes to impose its dynamic and energy. The video premiered at February 13th via YouTube and it will be a music bridge between the two albums of the band.
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