
SOCIAL SCREAM: "From Ashes To Hope" (January 15th 2021, Soman Records)

Founded in Sparta, Greece, Social Scream begun their journey in 2008, initially as cover band, performing many live shows around the country. The desire for personal expression through artistic means, led them to compose original music, releasing their debut album, “Epiclesis” in 2014, followed by their second work, “Initiation to the Myth”, four years later. In 2020, they released their third album, “Organic Mindset”, which introduced the band to a larger audience and earned great feedback from the fans. The band also released in 2021, a double cd collection entitled “From Ashes to Hope” containing re-recorded versions of old demos and tracks of the first two albums.

The first disc of the compilation is the re-recording of their first album, “Epiclesis”, including two bonus tracks, “Blacksmith R.I.P” and “New Era”. Not much to say here, other than it is 45 minutes of pure heavy metal, influenced by the European musical standards. Listening to the records in order, from “Epiclesis” to “Organic Mindset” the evolution of the band is distinctive and clear, especially from their debut to their sophomore work.

Obviously, the second disc is the “Initiation to the Myth” which also includes two bonus tracks, “Life Remains” and “From Ashes to Hope”. Grittier than its predecessor, Social Scream’s sophomore work shows a desire for aggression, speed and sharp sounding guitars, a combination achieved by blending the traditional heavy metal with thrash influences. Unlike their debut, this work is closest to the American music scene, presenting a beautiful diversion in the inspirations of Social Scream. That exact transition, that evolution is that draws the attention and makes a band always relevant and intriguing.

Whether being a fan of the Social Scream since their early days or a current one introduced by their latest record, the “From Ashes to Hope” is a good chance to experience the very diverse musical palette of the band in 90 minute compilation, ode to heavy metal. And for those who haven’t listened to the first two and wondering if they are any good, all I am going to say is make a favor to yourselves and listen to the compilation. Two minutes in and you will have your proof.

1. Spartan Blood
2. Faith
3. Social Scream
4. Smell the Demon
5. D.N.A. Eternal
6. Where the Storm Goes
7. Blacksmith R.I.P. 
8. New Era
9. Rainbow of Souls  
10. Metal Retaliation  
11. Prison of Freedom  
12. List of Sins  
13. Wolf Karma  
14. No Faces Reflected  
15. Unblood  
16. Initiation to the Myths  
17. Life Remains  
18. From Ashes to Hope
