
SOCIAL SCREAM: ΔEINON ΕΣΤΙ (14 April 2022, self-release)

The past two years have not been idle for the Social Scream. In 2020 they released their third full-length album, “Organic Mindset” and just one year later the compilation “From Ashes To Hope” was released, featuring re-recordings of their first two albums. Now in 2022, Social Scream released their fourth full-length work, entitled "ΔΕΙΝΟΝ ΕΣΤΙ”.

Fourth time is the charm, with the Social Scream releasing their most mature sounding album, so far. A Simple and straightforward musical format without much to note in terms of surprises or genre blending, and yet the “ΔΕΙΝΟΝ ΕΣΤΙ” is built on strong foundations, managing to offer an interesting and not at all tedious listening experience.

Social Scream prove their talent and skill by taking a fundamental and traditional musical recipe and executing, almost, perfectly. The “ΔΕΙΝΟΝ ΕΣΤΙ” presents a familiar heavy metal with the spark of a bygone era. The late 80s and 90s may have passed, but some are determined to keep that flame alive by feeding it with their musicianship.

Musically, the record moves to the familiar, for the Social Scream, thrash influenced heavy metal paths. Bands like Metallica and Iced Earth have clearly inspired and played a key role in the sound shaping of “ΔΕΙΝΟΝ ΕΣΤΙ”. For example, the track “Frozen in Time”, apart from being one of the darkest and most sinister sounding songs of the album, it reminded me of the heavier part of the “Black Album” era of Metallica, while the song “Luna Dark” blends the U.S heavy and thrash metal into a mix that brings to mind the Iced Earth.

Those two aforementioned tracks, except from being the most suitable pieces to represent the sound of “ΔΕΙΝΟΝ ΕΣΤΙ”, are, also, in my opinion, not only the best tracks of the record but two of the best songs recorded by Social Scream. Their edge, style, heavy riffing, aggressive drum work and punchy bass lines reignite that 90s flame Social Scream won’t extinguish from their musical approach.

Would I recommend this? Yes, absolutely. The album has been out for over a month now, so there is no reason to wait. Especially if you are feeling a bit nostalgic, the “ΔΕΙΝΟΝ ΕΣΤΙ” is your best choice. And even if you don’t, the Social Scream’s fourth work is an album that, without question, deserves your listening time.
