
TELMA: “Eternal” (20 August 2021, self-release)

TELMA is a newly formed band based in Greece. The five-piece act recently released their debut album, “ETERNAL”, which consists of 8 songs that offer a unique blend of the old-school heavy sound along with a groove derived from bands like Godsmack, Alice in Chains and Slipknot.

Since it is not only the product that matters but the packaging as well, TELMA present their debut with a simple yet fitting and powerful artwork that expresses the sound of the “ETERNAL”. The different shadings of grey and the stone that cracks and breaks in different parts visualize the band’s musical goal, to express the inner conflicts and struggles that torment us.

And when the artwork works in favor of the music’s goal, chances are that the music itself will be a clear representation of that goal. TELMA chose to stand for a not particularly happy subject, so they had to come aggressive, strong and heavy. They delivered. No one can dispute that “ETERNAL” is one strong, tight record.

TELMA had to blend their influences, that vary from Pantera and Metallica to Alice In Chains and Linkin Park, along with their own personal elements to form a brand new sound, their sound. And in their debut, they came off just fine. As the album progresses their influences come up, sometimes in the vocal lines and the way the singer colors his voice, sometimes in their riffs, yet always discretely, like a subtle tribute. TELMA managed to forge a decent sound, with the potential to evolve to something great.

Musically, “ETERNAL” is a consistent record, from start to finish. Mainly riff based, the album offers heavy riffs that blend with the groovy drums and with a steady and groovy bass to hold the low end and add to the rhythmic pattern of the record. While the vocals can be improved, and sometimes they felt a bit out of place from the rest of the song, the vocal lines were interesting and the changes from clean to aggressive were adding to the general vibe of the songs.

Concluding, TELMA came forth into the scene with a really good debut and with strong ideas that are proven from songs like the “Perfect Storm” and the personal favorite “Eternal”. “ETERNAL” definitely deserves your attention and at least one hearing. 

1. Dare 
2. Bipolar Distress
3. Perfect Storm
4. Bleeding Reality
5. Corporace
6. Eternal
7. Stream Of Thoughts
8. Paradise