Go deeper into the Savage Den! GENTLE SAVAGE have revealed the second part of their debut album "Midnight Waylay" Trilogy. Presented by lead vocalist and songwriter Tornado Bearstone the Trilogy gives you insights to what's behind the songs and the stories. This second part includes songs 'Into The Abyss', 'Honey Bunny' and 'After All'.
Also watch Trilogy Pt.1, includes songs 'Karelian Magic', 'Personal Hades' and 'YNAMW (You Never Ask Me Why)', here: http://hyperurl.co/GentleSavage_Trilogy
"Midnight Waylay" is available for streaming on all major platforms, at this location. https://songwhip.com/gentlesavage/midnight-waylay

Kimmo Kuusniemi, Godfather of Finnish heavy metal, on Gentle Savage's debut album "Midnight Waylay": "Listening to Gentle Savage reminds me of Deep Purple! That’s not bad at all!"
"Midnight Waylay" Track List:
1. Karelian Magic
2. Personal Hades
3. YNAMW (You Never ask Me Why)
4. Into The Abyss
5. Honey Bunny
6. After All
7. Run Run Poor Boy
8. Livin' It Up
9. Carry The Fire
Buy the album at https://gentlesavage1.bandcamp.com
Tornado stated on the album coverart:
Isn't it strange that when you get something really big done you are at the same time relieved and a bit confused?! That's how it feels like right now.
Our debut album is ready for release, coming out on June 17th via our Bandcamp page, and now we are proud to reveal the MIDNIGHT WAYLAY album cover to the world.
The cover art was created by our friend, graphic art wizard Vin Valentino. Vin and vocalist Tornado created the Midnight Waylay world based on Tornado's visions of a Rock Band descending down to earth using a 'stairway to heaven'. That's Tornado's way of showing his gratitude to the old great ones who showed the Rock'n Roll way for latter generations to roll.
Watch the videos for the previous singles:
'Personal Hades' - https://songwhip.com/gentlesavage/personal-hades
'Lovin' Ain't Easy' - https://youtu.be/wkT1zlV5aPg
'YNAMW (You Never Ask Me Why)' - https://youtu.be/5pm5E0uV0N4
'Honey Bunny -the Rock'n Roll transformation' - https://youtu.be/CsBGKvzZKko
'Run Run Poor Boy' - https://youtu.be/_TJ3BfgOz6k
'Karelian Magic' - https://youtu.be/osEmTdkQCps
More information and follow GENTLE SAVAGE at
Subscribe to GENTLE SAVAGE's new youtube channel hyperurl.co/GentleSavageYouTube.
"It is all about the songs. And their internal message. That's the basic philosophy behind Gentle Savage."
Tornado Bearstone, songwriter, vocals and guitar
Jay B, drums and backing vocals
Vance Bead, bass and backing vocals
Tim O`Shore, guitar and backing vocals
Theo van Boom, keyboards and backing vocals
’Treat yourself and let our magic in. We’ll take care of the rest’.
Band promo photo by Timo Soasepp
Coverarts by Vin Valentino