
FRAGMENT SOUL: “Axiom of Choice” (7 May 2021, Sleaszy Rider Records)

Fragment Soul
is a fairly newly formed band from Greece that released its debut album, “Axiom of Choice”, in May. While it is a full-length record, the album consists of only 4 songs, “Soul Inhabiting Two Bodies”, “A Choice Between Two Evils”, “Every Heart Sings A Song” and “Oedipus Complex”.

The “Axiom of Choice” was released in May but given its musical profile, it is not an album meant for May. It is not an album for spring or sunny days. It is a record perfectly suitable for the fall and winter. And that small introduction it should be enough to make you understand a few things about what kind of album the Fragment Soul are offering.

With their debut, Fragment Soul embark on a journey through fear, torment and romance that leads their protagonists in despair and eventually in bliss. This is the main theme of the record, the lyrical aspect that thanks to great craftsmanship translates to the music as well.

As it is already mentioned above, “Axiom of Choice” is music for rainy days. Gloomy, the record feels like the silence before a great storm. Slow to mid tempo compositions, with beautiful melodies, simple lead guitar lines that create an eerie feeling, slow guitar riffs, upfront distorted bass lines giving a crunchier and more aggressive tone and soothing vocals, create a melancholic soundtrack. Also, the changes from the male vocals to female- performed by the Heike Langhans singer of the band Draconian- bring to life the album’s protagonists and help the listener to emerge deeper into that  grey, melancholic atmosphere that is created.

Fragment Soul came forth into the scene with a solid debut album. They presented a well written concept, able to express both lyrically and musically the feelings of fear, torment, despair and bliss that the protagonists of the story had to go through. “Axiom of Choice” blends different metal genres into a sound that sometimes reminds of bands like the In Mourning and Draconian while other times has a strong post-metal essence and brings to mind artists like Chelsea Wolfe and Marriages. Yet one thing is certain, the album is a beautiful musical journey and Fragment Soul delivered way more than anyone ever asked from a debut, leaving us only with expectations for great things.
