
Veritas interview: "I see that the threads of the fatality of mankind are simply the lack of Love we have grown accustomed to." - Denny

What is the birth city of the band?

Greg: Veritas started in Kansas City, Kansas

When Veritas did start their musical career?

Greg: Veritas began in 2012 as an idea I had after being on a very long hiatus from my previous band

What is the band’s line-up?

Denny Anthony-vocals
Greg Wenk-guitar
Geno Alberico-bass
Mark Zonder-studio drums

What is Veritas’s secret about your creative process?

Greg: I just come up with ideas and melodies as I'm playing guitar. Sometimes they come as mostly complete songs, other times I build onto them until I’m happy with the final result

Denny: When writing lyrics, I think of myself as a conduit. I listen carefully to the recesses of my inner being and just let it flow out. Each song that the guys give me to work with have multiple melodies already within the music. My task is to let the song show me where that melody is and what pocket my lyrics can fit into. 

“Threads Of Fatality” is your last album. What is the concept of the album?

Denny: I see that the threads of the fatality of mankind are simply the lack of Love we have grown accustomed to. The way we can disregard any other person, reveals that our minds are still stuck in an existence without the meaning of it: Love. The album is intended to convey this and remind us all there is “only Love to know”. 

What are the most important memories on stage?

Denny: While we haven’t played out as a band, each of us have our experiences on the stage. For me, it isn’t about concerts and what happens during the performances, it is about connecting with people. Letting them know that I feel too... I understand the struggles, and together, we can overcome the world. The feeling of being on stage seeing people gathered to have fun is one of the best experiences of my humanity. This makes every stage performance an important memory and unique in its own rite. 

If you could pick an artist to support, who would it be?

Denny: Ray Alder for sure!

Greg: I have several I’d love to do shows with. Savatage, Crimson Glory, Queensryche, KISS

Do you have any upcoming shows?

Greg: Nothing set up yet but we’re definitely wanting to get out and share our music with everyone!

What is the message that Veritas want to pass through their music?

Denny: The Bottom line is Truth, hence the band name. If our fans and listeners only capture a single thing about what I would like to share, I hope it is this: Love is the meaning of Life and we should all be ourselves because we are all made of Love. 

Any other plans? A new release maybe?

Greg: We are still promoting our current CD but we’re also working on our next release. No release date yet but possibly a summer release next year. We’ve been independent so far, so it takes a bit longer but are looking for maybe management, label to help us get to the next stage of our careers.

Is there something that you want to share with us?

Denny: I would like to personally thank you for having us and sharing this with those who follow your works. Remember: Whatever we do, if we do it in Love, it will never fail. Be good to one another and Rock always!

Greg: Thank for the interview and thanks to all the fans, family and friends that have supported us! You rock!

Thank you very much.