

Hundred Headless Horsemen releases third and last single No Longer Human from their upcoming debut full length concept album titled Apokalepsia

Hundred Headless Horsemen is a psychedelic death metal band hailing from Helsinki, Finland. No Longer Human is the third single from their first full length, a concept album titled Apokalepsia that will be released on 21 May 2021. The band blends together different subgenres from the past and present to create a unique brand of psychedelic death metal. Their musical approach mirrors the narrative of the album, that moves in multiple time and space dimensions based on fragments of articles about a formerly unknown psychoneurological condition.

This is the last single released three weeks before the release of the full album. The final teaser for the Apokalepsia concept.

Listen to No Longer Human:

“What to do when you do not recognize yourself anymore?
You fear that others will note what is happening to you.
You do everything in your power to hide it from their eyes.
But the transformation is oblivious to your will, fears, needs.
You already bear its marks for everyone to see.”

No Longer Human was recorded at Sir Näs Studios in Helsinki, Finland and mastered by Magnus Lindberg Productions in Stockholm, Sweden.