

Italian legendary heavy metallers SCALA MERCALLI, active since 1992, together with Brazilian LIVING METAL, united in their common passion for classic heavy metal, releasing a cover video for 'Luna Nera' by the historical band STRANA OFFICINA, performed by some members of the two bands. Scala Metal or Living Mercalli, as they call themselves amiably, in this difficult period for the whole planet, joining forces and sending a message of brotherhood among all lovers of Metal and not only!

"Strana Officina are one of the most important roots of Italian Heavy Metal and playing this song for us is not only a pleasure but an honor, in addition doing it with friends in Living Metal was fantastic, they are true people with a big heart. We hope that this small contribution will help increase the desire for collaboration between bands "

"Strana Officina are a great influence for all of us in the band, we are really fans and we are happy we have had this opportunity to pay this tribute together with the brothers of Scala Mercalli! We are fans of Scala and happy to call them our "overseas brothers", we really love Italian metal and for this reason, despite being born in Brazil we chose to record the Italian version of this song (also because Pedro Zupo (vocals) and Rafael Romanelli (guitar) have italian origins! Because the limit of languages will never stop us, we have Heavy Metal, a universal language that unites us! As Bud says in the presentation: BEAT THE HAMMER !!!"

More information on Living Metal at https://www.facebook.com/LivingMetalOfficial


SCALA MERCALLI released their latest effort “Independence” in 2019.

Watch more videos from “Independence” album:
“Honest Brigands” - https://youtu.be/V8c4WnSEITE
“Never Surrender” - https://youtu.be/rcqn0Uq0xGY
“The 1000” (Calatafimi Battle) – https://youtu.be/i0JJKCUydMQ
“Tolentino 1815” – https://youtu.be/zZlV6h1yqW8
“Making Of Tolentino 1815” – https://youtu.be/WU8fKlkv5ss
“Fratelli d’Italia” (Italian Anthem): https://youtu.be/66tZ3oD5qPA

“Independence” album is about the first part of Italian Risorgimento, from Naple’s Reign ruled by King Murat until Mazzini’s Roman Republic, including episodes on Mille (The Expedition of the Thousand) and Brigandage, with some of their main characters. The band will wear the new uniform inspired by the units, from north to south, that in the above-mentioned period fought side by side with the people and contributed with hard sacrifices to build Italian nation.

The band about “Independence”:
“This project is about some events we consider of great importance in our country’s history, because they remind us of how important it has been, for a people dominated for years by foreign powers, to fight for ideals of unity and freedom, and reminds also that freedom, in every form, is never a gift but has always to be conquered fighting together. Yesterday as today!”

This example applies to every people or nation that wants to be truly free!

More information at: