
CORNERS OF SANCTUARY Announce "Metal Never Dies: The Online Barrage of Shows 2020 & Beyond" Tour, Sign with Killsound Productions Booking & Management

Never a dull moment, not a time to lose, always in the need of action, in every means necessary. Corners Of Sanctuary aren't letting themselves sit back before Christmas and they intend to show their force of Traditional Heavy Metal right until ol' Santa climbs up the roof top. Therefore, an incoming barrage of Online shows tour, entitled, "Metal Never Dies: The Online Barrage of Shows 2020 & Beyond", is announced 

Mick Michaels, guitarist and leader of Corners Of Sanctuary commented: "For the moment, online streaming events are the way to go... and we welcome the opportunity to be a part of them. It's like the old saying, when life hands you lemons make lemonade... and 2020 has been one helluva a lemon for us all." 

Behind the curtain of the "Metal Never Dies: The Online Barrage of Shows 2020 & Beyond" Tour, Corners Of Sanctuary made a step to ensure their future as a live act by signing with the Mexican agency, Killsound Productions Booking & Management 

Mick Michaels adds about the signing: "COS recently connected with Killsound Productions, making them part of our booking team. The new partnership will allow us to further our ability to bringing the music to the people. This will definitely be an asset when things begin to balance out and restrictions are lifted...giving bands and artists the opportunity to perform again live."

Metal Never Dies: The Online Barrage of Shows 2020 & Beyond" Tour Dates:
1.12.2020 – PotPixi RockMetalTalk / Website / Event
5.12.2020 – Metal Heroes Online II / Website / Event
12.12.2020 – Wrecking Ball Metal Fest 2020 / Website / Event
19.12.2020 – Vinyl Closet Records Metal Fest / Website / Event