
ONISM: "The Diary Of Fools" (1 July 2021, self-release)

Here we go with an independent release from Greece on a different music field. Onism is a Νeoclassical darkwave/ Gothic rock band. The Diary of Fools is their debut full length album and comes after a successful in the underground EP entitled Leyes.

Onism play music to express the fragility of life and of our existence. Every moment is precious and we have to drink it till the last drop. Their music is dark and poetic.

“The Diary Of Fools” is a dark romantic journey to life. It is a fairytale and it is theatrical. It is a play, just like life itself! Life, fragile as it is, dwells between glorious moments and death, but the end is inevitable.

Onism is Lupe and Luna. They are both vocal coaches. So, they really know what to do on the microphone and how to use their voices. The contradiction and sweet symphony of male and female vocals of Lupe and Luna is magnificent! 

Both Lupe and Luna are very sensitive humans, they have music knowledge, they care for music, and they express themselves in a very beautiful way.

The material on The Diary of Fools is very well worked and tight. Every song is a part in the storytelling. Through agony, sorrow, pain, disease, filth and melancholy, Luna and Lupe communicate with each other and then communicate with the audience through their voices and their music.

Their voices come out as one universal voice that speaks the universal language we need to listen. 
“The Diary Of Fools” track-list includes 6 songs. The basic instrument is the piano. Rock orchestra instruments are also used where needed. The songs have basically slow to mid tempo, they are nicely orchestrated, they sound grandiose at times or nostalgic, but they always come with a sense of serenity and a melancholic feeling for the past. 

The material in The Diary of Fools is of high quality so it would be a pity to pick standout tracks. I believe darkwave, and goth fans of the whole spectrum of these genres will have to come drink from the chalice of Onism, drink the melancholy and read the diary of fools, a diary of poetry, in this esoteric, mystical and ethereal ceremony Onism gently gave us.

1. Past Internal 
2. The Sound Of Us
3. Heartbeat
4. The Crowd
5. Praying Mantis
6. Ego 
