
GRANDE FOX: “Empty Nest” (19 February 2021, self-release)

Grande Fox were formed in Thessaloniki, Greece in 2013 to play Psychedelic Heavy Stoner Rock music. However, they don’t seem to stick to music genres at all. Instead they form their own ways of expression exceeding the borders of the music genres and styles. In their 2nd full length album “Empty Nest” you will find a variety of influences and music styles used. All of these elements always have something to say in the band’s songwriting. Grande Fox also seem to enjoy to experiment with their music and sound. They have emotional, heavy and angry songs and their general idea of songwriting is a weapon through which they try to wake up the listener.

“Empty Nest” has nasty yet catchy songs. The album is dominated by the heavy and groovy guitar riffs. However, nice and clean guitar parts successfully exist (for example on “Deathblow”). Grande Fox have an attractively weird sense of melody. All of their songs have driving rhythmic parts, with tasty, crunchy and heavy guitars added in, plus long vocal lines which create their own groove. The vocals are rocking hard and experiment with many styles of expression from blues to rap.

On “Empty Nest” you will find songs like “Backstab”, “Rottenness of Youth” and “Golden Ratio” that serve the band’s basic style, Psychedelic Heavy Stoner Rock, in an extremely nice way. Nevertheless, you will also get songs like “Brainstorm” and “Brutal Colors” that do show the band’s experimental side. The fact they keep on searching is very good for the band and their progress.

Grande Fox seem to also invest a lot to their lyrics. They are focused on their own ideas and through their music they express their inner voices calling the listener to wake up and realize what is happening around. Grande Fox stand for the improvement and evolvement of human consciousness and inner self.
The production of “Empty Nest” has a Southern/American Rock touch like for instance on “Hangman” where you can listen to a Black Label Society / Down / Corrosion of Conformity drive. Grande Fox work very carefully with their music and although “Empty Nest” is a self-released album, be assured that it is professionally worked down to every detail. This time the production, mix and mastering were done in Germany by Marcos Rodriguez (ex-Rage).

“Empty Nest” is a very interesting album for all fans of Psychedelic Heavy Stoner Rock music, but I believe for all Rock/Heavy Music fans in general. The Greeks have covered the distance between all these styles and recorded an album that will satisfy a huge part of the Hard Rock/ Heavy music fans from Kyuss to mid-90’s Metallica and then from Rage Against the Machine to Monster Magnet. Their huge talent is the ticket to their future. This future seems to be very promising. Just listen to this excellent album and you shall agree!

1 Backstab
2 Rottenness Of Youth
3 Hangman
4 Golden Ratio
5 Deathblow
6 Overdose
7 Brainstorm
8 Brutal Colors
9 Route 99
10 Manganite
11 Birth Of An Embryo
