Insanidade, a rock group formed in Brazil, has just released their most recent material, the music video of the track "On Fire", second video of the new album "High Speed".
Composed by Lucas Tamandaré, vocalist of the band, "On Fire" is a powerful theme, with showy riffs, with a very different dynamic from the one that Insanity has usually custom by, with a more rhythmic rhythm in the phrases, like an explosion in the choir and sensational guitar solos. A more rock n roll feel, with very apocalyptic, nihilist and inflamed lyrics.
The central idea of the video was to emphasize the fire, the flames and the warm lighting, in a place in the middle of nothing, putting emphasis on the band's performance as a group. The video was created by Caverna Filmes with the production of Vitor Tristão.
With a lot of artificial fuegos, the clip is online with the composition and the group in an energetic and impressive presentation. “We wanted a shot in the middle of nothing, very dark, in an open place, just to emphasize the theme of artificial fires and lighting, do you know? These elements enriched our performance even more. We are happy to have this video with one of the most important names of the country”, reveals Lucas.
With little more than a year of career, from the edited albums - “Hello Suckers” in Portuguese, “High Speed” in English - and success in the United States, Insanity is listed by the critics as one of the main names of Latin rock. Precursors of the movement Action Punk and Action Rock in Brazil, nomenclatures created in Scandinavia to frame bands that mix punk rock, traditional rock n roll and hard rock, the band Insanidade is formed by Lucas (voice), Éder (guitar), Ricardo (bajo ) and Wilsner (battery).
"High Speed" consists of 12 songs and was produced by the Brazilian producer Gustavo Vázquez of the RockLab studio, and shows all the maturity of the band, with a more united, intense and energetic sound with influences from The Hellacopters, Turbonegro, Scumbag Millionaire. The band recovers all the essence of Rock n Roll with a modern touch along with the roots of punk rock.
With intense guitar riffs, blunt basses, thunderous drums and a ripped and powerful voice, Insanity demonstrates all its musical evolution in this new work, starting in 2021 with an album that promises to make several lists of the best of the year.
Listen to the album "High Speed":