Into the Hollow is the debut album from Mothman and The Thunderbirds, the ambitious and conceptual solo project of Alex Parkinson. Will the Mothman be able to prevent disaster this time? Who knows, there's bigger things going on to worry about like hollow earths and oceans without end. It's going to take a whole cast of characters and guest musicians to save us from this one. Do you believe in reality at all?
The beast will be released on May 21st, with each new single having its own distinct artwork. While the album can best be described as sludge and stoner metal with prog elements, that doesn't quite do justice to the unique blend of styles and collaborations. If anything, Into the Hollow is a stoner metal album for people who are bored of stoner metal. The album is eclectic in scope; no two songs sound alike. Many of the song titles reference cryptids and conspiracy theories, but the lyrics intertwine these subjects with themes of anxiety, isolation, global warming, war, and manufactured consent. The insanity of it all is woven into an emotional, often aggressive, experience that just barely exceeds a 30-minute runtime.
Speaking on the origins of the project, Alex had this to say: "The band name was inspired by a binge-watch session of the beloved program Ancient Aliens. In one of the episodes, a host posited that the Mothman may be a Thunderbird. I thought to myself, ‘hey, Mothman and The Thunderbirds would be a really dumb, but great, band name,’ and the rest was history!"
Alex Parkinson - guitars, bass, vocals, vocoder, programing, mixing, mastering
Guest Thunderbirds:
Jason Roberts (of Breaths/CHNNLR) - Lead vocals on verses 3 & 4 of "Infinite Ocean"
Kirby - lead vocals on "The Simpsons = Real Footage"
Sam Parkinson - guitar solo on "Agarthan Riders"
Joe Sobieski - lead vocals on "Cloud Giant"
Album Art - Drahma R. (@drahmarduk on Instagram)
“Infinite Ocean” and “Hollow Earth” singles - Toxin Figure (@toxinfigure on Instagram)
“The Simpsons = Real Footage” single - Unexpected Specter (@unexpectedspecter on Instagram)
“Cloud Giant” single - Sleepless Eyes Art (@sleeplesseyesart on Instagram)