Finnish turborock band Grillijono K.O. released their third single 'Marinaadien hautaan' from their upcoming debut album 'Napalmia korville' which is released on March 26th 2021 by Secret Entertainment & Inverse Records.
”Marinaadien Hautaan” is one of the oldest Grillijono tracks on the upcoming album ”Napalmia Korville”. "In Finland we have this thing called ”being marinated” which basically means being seriously drunk, a very common habit/phenomenon here in the north throughout the year. So, the song tells about the consequenses of being marinated - what it’s like to end a drinking-bout. It’s a mid tempo rocker with some bluesy nuances and has kept it’s place in our setlist from the very beginning", Lobo-Tommi explains.
Listen to the single:
Apple Music:
Grillijono K.O. is a four-piece turborock group from Vaasa, Finland. Their sound is a combination of different elements from fast punk rock to black metal and even melodic pop, defined by harsh and powerful vocals by frontman Lobo-Tommi.
The bands first publication, “Nyrkkipyykki EP”, was released in December 2015. The single "Ei oo sun oma vika että oot niin vitun tyhmä" became a small-scale punk rock hit and was noted by Soundi, the biggest music publication in Finland. The song has reached 450000 hits on Spotify alone and rose to the "Finland Viral 50" playlist.
Nyrkkipyykki EP was soon followed by single "Kaljaa pimeässä", which expanded their sound to a more aggressive and darker territory. Bands such as Kvelertak, The Hellacopters, Gluecifer and Slayer have all had an impact on Grillijono K.O.'s sound as it is today.
Despite the band being only a few years old, they´ve at played at various venues all over Finland, and have gained a reputation as an energetic live band. The band is currently finalizing their debut album, which will be released in early 2021.
Music video Mä oon sun koira:
Music video Fuck me up before you go-go
Pre-save album on Spotify:
CD/vinyl pre-order:
Digital download pre-order:
Track list:
01. Ihmismadon viimeinen pala
02. Fuck me up before you go-go
03. Mä oon sun koira
04. Marinaadien hautaan
05. Hävittäjä
06. Koti, uskonto ja ilmainen ämpäri
07. Denimsoturi
08. Bill Hicks
09. Grillijono K.O.
10. Kuluta mut loppuun
Cover art by: Toni Storås
Lobo-Tommi (throat & guitar)
Rahina-Rautiainen (guitar & backing vocals)
Lars von Clier (bass & backing vocals)
Bräd Wursti (drums)