
Belgian progressive pop-rock band No Pan Kissa released a new single called “Captain’s Fall”

On January 8th  2021, the Belgian pop-rock band No Pan Kissa released a new single called “Captain’s fall” on the Italian label “Marechiaro Edizioni Musicali Napoli”. A video clip of this song is available on their official YouTube channel. 

The song “Captain’s Fall” is a strong, intense and deep ballad that touches on several topical themes, such as this loss of control and this interference of technology in our daily lives. It follows us everywhere, makes us lose our sense of reality and locks us in a "bubble" from which we can no longer escape ... "Big Brother is watching you"! We are no longer completely the captain of our life.

This was recorded in February 2020 in the studios “Le Delta” by Nicola Lomartire (Sound engineer).

Following the first confinement, in July 2020, we received the authorizations to be able to make the video clip in these same studios with the participation of Ludwig Pinchart and Gwen Breuls (image and editing).

The song was presented to Vittoria Iannacone who kindly put us in touch with Claudio Poggi (Marechiaro Edizioni Musicali Napoli). The latter has decided to trust us and will be our distribution label. Vittoria and the Spotline will take care of our promotion in Italy.

NPK’s musical style can be described as alternative pop, progressive pop, with a touch of grunge. Compared with the other grunge bands of the early 1990s, No Pan Kissa's style is noticeably less heavy and harkens back to the classic rock music of the 1980’s. Among NPK’s earliest influences were Queen, Pink Floyd, Muse, Pearl Jam, R.E.M.  The Band search for the riff-heavy satured guitar of the nineties with analog sonority of eighties. The musicians try to bring the listener a “feel-oriented” songs.

No Pan Kissa (web links)
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