
ndr (rekordz)'s very first release Above the Roots is out

Finally, this crazy project is done!

This project runs in the spirit of recycling and was released on re-recorded cassette.
This limited edition (22 copies only) recorded on used cassette tapes! Quality is guaranteed! 
The cassettes were made with a really old school spirit, but the covers were printed.

Teaser on youtube :

and on soundcloud:

Bands participating on the cassette

A side

1. Mytra: Defeated Angel (Prophecy song remake 2016) (Hungary) https://youtu.be/8zRtSmgAIQM
2. Binary Creed: Mother (Sweden)  https://youtu.be/V7HYt1ylN1c
3. Empty Dreams: Serenity  (Transylvania) https://youtu.be/ojsBPbj3fmQ
4. Empty Dreams: Solar Waltz (Transylvania) https://youtu.be/3x3HyEX7BpI
5. Fading Circles: Trial of Lies (Transylvania) https://open.spotify.com/album/5diXZKfAmnEUZXq5a1OV2Q
6. S.A. Adams: (I Can) Be Your Man (USA, New York) 

B. side 

1. Perfect Symmetry: Fallin’ (Hungary) https://youtu.be/Qlpj0eYx0TQ
2. Olivér Ziskó: Faire’s Dance / Tündérek tánca (Hungary) https://oliverzisko.bandcamp.com/track/fairies-dance
3. Vigilante: Architecture for Deception (Japan) https://www.youtube.com/c/vigilantemetalofficial
4. Void Moon: The Raven will not Return (Sweden) https://youtu.be/cVNpes0jw3Y
5. Dead Bronco:  The Church of the Endless Road (Spain) https://youtu.be/7ZMp_PitP38
6. Dead Bronco: Stuck in the Mud (Spain) https://youtu.be/UvmCSMDMp7M

The tracks mentioned above were released on this tape with the permission of the bands / artists / record labels. 

Tape released: ndr (rekordz)
Distribution: RM Shop
Other details about this release https://www.discogs.com/release/16061768