Devil Crusade from Bologna was founded in 2014. Their self-titled EP was released in 2017. The band's first full-lenght CD Mental Breach came out this year. Let's see what this material holds.
The opening Mental Breach starts with an idyllic image. But it disappears and a train of thought comes with dark music telling us about the hypocrisy of the Church. Raperiest digs into the scandals of the Church more deeper. How many news have been about rapes committed by priests, yet? The band do not hesitate to tell us their opinion on it. I am sure, the fast guitar lead makes people move their bodies in the show. If someone made a movie about the following song, there would be written "based on a true story" in the beginning of the movie. Wild Hunt paints the atmosphere
of a hunt with its ominous melody that turns into a whirl. "Igor the Russian" is a real person known as Norbert Fehert who killed more people in Italy and Spain in 2017. (His fellow inmates knew him as Ezekiel.) Although, he is still escaping in the song, in fact he was captured in Spain. Search & Incinerate is not a cheesy song either. What I would associate with, it is the crimes committed by migrants. Inhabitants fed up with it and they find a way to solve the problem. We can see the thoughts of a condemned person as he marches towards his fate in front of the bloodthirsty crowd in the song Executioner. At the end of the song, the "slash" sound effect is quite expressive after that music part which "shows" the last moment. Bonobo's Nightmare deals with the animal testing. (Robin Cook's Chromosome 6 came into my mind seeing the title.) The bonobo is an endangered great ape. This species lives in the heart of Africa. And yet, there are "scientists" who capture them and performe experiments on them in order to discover the perfect dope. If you are curious about what the band wishes to these people, listen to the song! The music contains diverse themes. The fast paced Veni Vidi Killing is about the gladiators how they live in the ancient Rome, how they survive the bloody fights in the Arena hoping they will gain freedom. I like the hidden references in the lyric. Here is an example, Crixus who was called as "the Undefeated Gaul". The song Undefiled dissects the relationship of terrorism / suicide bombers and the Islam.
The album displays the mankind's distorted mental world from bloodlust to aberration. The rough-worded thoughts fits very well with the old school thrash, heavy music expressing the message better.
1. Mental Breach
2. Raperiest
3. Wild Hunt
4. Search And Incinerate
5. The Executioner
6. Bonobo's Nightmare
7. Veni Vidi Killing
8. Undefiled
Rock’n’Blond – vocals, guitar
Lvpo – bass, vocals
Ponstein – drums, backing vocals
Devil Crusade: Mental Breach (2020)
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Devil Crusade: Mental Breach (2020)May 17, 2020
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devil crusade